A Faith-Based Social Services Conference


Event: LOVE GOES - A Faith-Based Social Services Conference

When: Fri, Mar 31, 2023, 9:00 AM –Sat, Apr 1, 2023, 8:30 PM CDT

Tickets: Purchase Tickets for $50 HERE

Tickets also available at the door for $50!!

This is a ground-breaking conference which will ignite compassion into action! Bringing the needs of our community into the light of the Cross. We can all agree there are social issues that affect our lives as well as our loved ones. It is time for all of us to take action in love, compassion and empathy and leave the excuses on the pew. Hardship is often a nebulous term loosely attached to a group of “those people.” It’s when you sit face to face with someone suffering and listen to their story and call them by name that stirs you to action. The Word of God is a Social Gospel.

Who Should Attend: Everyone! Those inside and outside the faith community.

To put agencies, phone numbers and contacts into the hands of those who may encounter a friend, family member or neighbor struggling in one of these areas and have the resources to help.

LOVE GOES will be held at the International Gospel Center – 555 South Memorial Drive in Tulsa, OK. 74112 Thursday Evening March 30, 2023 – Attendees will have an opportunity to volunteer at a local ministry/agency (TBA)

Friday, March 31, 2023 – 9am to 5pm (Speakers, Videos, Lunch)

6:30pm to 8pm – Shane Claiborne (Bio below)

Saturday, April 01, 2023 – 9am to 4pm (Speakers, Videos, Lunch)

6pm to 7:30pm– Concert and Altar Call - TBA

Speakers Include:

Dr. Rachel Ray, CURA for the World, Sapulpa Clinic – Medicine and Poverty

Lisa Jackson Tresch, Rising Village – Refugees

Katie Goodson, Bible Study Fellowship Leader – Parenting and Loss

Sarah Grounds, City Lights Foundation of Oklahoma - Homelessness

Tim Ahearn, PRSS, BHWC Family & Children Services – The Other Side of Addiction

Jayla Meeks, Policy Fellow Terence Crutcher Foundation - Policy and Justice

Deni Fholer, LMSW, CCFP Isaiah 58, In His Service – Call to Action

Priscilla Minor-Thoms, MSW, Legal Aid Services of OK - Navigating Systems

Rhonda Bear, Founder She Brews Coffee - Incarceration

Jeanette O’Hara - Founder, Will’s House - Loving Families Impacted by Disabilities

Pastor Chris Beach - Executive Director, Tulsa Cornerstone Assistance Network and the North Tulsa YouthWorks initiative - Children and Poverty

Registration: Tickets are available for $50/person. Tickets for $50 will be available at the door. The cost covers the entire two days. Scholarships are available. Breakfast and Lunch is included in registration fee.

Child care will be provided for children under `10 years of age. All registration fees will be donated to Isaiah 58, In His Service, Inc.; if you cancel the registration, fees will not be refunded, but will be counted as a donation. If you need childcare, please contact deni at

Exhibitors from various non-profits, ministries and agencies will have tables set up to provide information and volunteer opportunities. (Table set up on Thursday evening)

Conference Sponsor:

Isaiah 58, In His Service, Inc. - Isaiah's is our street name. God blessed us with a building and we moved in on November 17th. We fly under the radar to meet our neighbors where they are in their mess and sit with them. We listen for as long as it takes. But, when the tears have slowed, a deep breath is taken and they glance our way, we ask, "Out of everything that's going on in your life right now, if one thing could get better, what would it be?" A flashlight that works, having dinner delivered so I wouldn't have to cook, to go to a movie and get popcorn, a full tank of gas, to go a month without asking for help with my utilities, a pillow, clean underwear, a brand-new pair of tennis shoes, a large print Bible, fresh fruit. Isaiah's loves people - leaving them just a little bit better than when we met.

As Christ followers we try to emulate Jesus in our efforts to care for the hurting, lonely, poor, ill, excluded, desperate. When Jesus was told someone needed His help, He didn't send Peter or James or John to first gather documentation or a statement of need; He didn't tell those in need He would review their need and get back with them after the Board voted on it. He immediately stopped what He was doing, and He gave the outcast, woman who had an abortion, LGBTQ person, prostitute, veteran, beggar His undivided attention and met their need. He gave to the glory of the Father. This is the heart of Isaiah's. We are not called to judge someone worthy or determine if they are taking advantage. If Jesus brings them to Isaiah's, then we give and serve and what they do with what is given is between them and God. We provide the tangible in order to build relationships and introduce people to Jesus. We can do more. We can do better. Together.

Breakfast and Lunch will be catered by Carabelle’s Eats and Treats and included with registration!

Questions? Call deni with Isaiah 58, In His Service, Inc. at 918-289-0218 or email her at

Our Keynote Speaker is Shane Claiborne! Shane Claiborne is a prominent speaker, activist, and best-selling author. Shane worked with Mother Teresa in Calcutta, and founded The Simple Way in Philadelphia. He heads up Red Letter Christians, a movement of folks who are committed to living "as if Jesus meant the things he said." Shane is a champion for grace which has led him to jail advocating for the homeless, and to places like Iraq and Afghanistan to stand against war. Now grace fuels his passion to end the death penalty and help stop gun violence.

Shane’s books include Jesus for President, Red Letter Revolution, Common Prayer, Follow Me to Freedom, Jesus, Bombs and Ice Cream, Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers, Executing Grace, Beating Guns, his classic The Irresistible Revolution, and his newest book, Rethinking Life: Embracing the Sacredness of Every Person. He has been featured in a number of films including "Another World Is Possible" and "Ordinary Radicals." His books have been translated into more than a dozen languages. Shane speaks over one hundred times a year, nationally and internationally. His work has appeared in Esquire, SPIN, Christianity Today, TIME, and The Wall Street Journal, and he has been on everything from Fox News and Al Jazeera to CNN and NPR. He’s given academic lectures at Harvard, Princeton, Liberty, Duke, and Notre Dame.

Shane speaks regularly at denominational gatherings, festivals, and conferences around the globe. Some of Shane’s books will be available for purchase.

We can do more. We can do better. Together. No. More. Excuses.

Be. The Exception.