History - Our Story

My heart’s desire is to fill the gaps in social services. The focus of Isaiah’s is to introduce people to Jesus and meet needs other ministries and/or agencies can’t or won’t help with, like paying legal fees, hospital and doctor’s bills, paying deposits for utilities and housing, getting folks out of debt, making car and insurance payments, etc. 

However, we have no emergency housing in Tulsa. We have few kennels to care for the pets of the homeless or those in hospitals and nursing homes, we have no wrap around transportation services, we have virtually no place for the poor, homeless and alone to die with dignity - these gaps weigh heavily on my heart.

Bridging the knowledge gap between the haves and have nots. Meaning, the way the church going middle class “pew sitters” view the poor is often based on misinformation and familial misguided beliefs. Which is why providing a safe environment to teach is important to us. We had our 2nd Mission Trip Tulsa on August 11-14, 2022. AND our 2nd LOVE GOES faith based social services conference at the International Gospel Center (igcenter.org) on March 31st and April 1st, 2023, with Bio — shane claiborne. We also had 12 amazing local speakers who shared their heart for Jesus and how they love our neighbors. We will be posting videos soon here on our website and on our YouTube channel (3) Isaiah 58, In His Service - YouTube

In 2005, I was asked to help a new Mom get a breast pump. I made a few calls and was told by one agency they only have electric breast pumps and the deposit was $150 and then there would be additional charges. Another agency required written documentation as to the specific reason the Mom needed the pump. Once the essay was submitted it would be reviewed and an answer would come in a week. Another agency received funds through a grant and the Mom didn’t meet their criteria. So I went to Babies-R-Us and bought a breast pump and gave it to the Mom. No deposit was requested and no need to return it. It was a gift freely given in a time of need. And with that the spirit of Isaiah 58, In His Service became a reality. 

I was saved when I was 8 years old. But, it wasn’t until I turned 20 that I realized being a Christian wasn’t a religion, but a relationship. I was so on fire for Jesus! Jesus was alive and real to me. I was involved in my church, had an incredible life group and in 1979, while sitting in my car on Chandler Hill I was seeking God with all I had; trying to find out if He truly had a purpose for my life. Through tears I looked down to see the chapter of Isaiah 58 in my bible. I read it. I read it again. I sensed incredible warmth that engulfed me. Very clearly, but not audibly, Jesus assured me that He had ministry planned for my life based on Isaiah 58. I continued absorbing, consuming and studying Isaiah 58, until one day I also knew I would never marry and never have a child; that was important to where God was leading me and I gave that part of me to Him wholly and completely. But, I still had a lot to learn before ministry came to fruition – which was 31 years later! But, God was so cool because He put me through college learning Social Work which was essential to the ministry He had planned for me!

As Christ followers we try to emulate Jesus in our efforts to care for the hurting, disenfranchised, lonely, poor, ill and desperate. When Jesus was told someone needed His help, He didn’t send Peter or James or John first to gather documentation, ID’s, income or a statement of need. He didn’t tell those in need He would review their need and get back with them after the board voted on it. He immediately stopped what He was doing and He gave the leper, the widow, the prostitute, the tax collector, the beggar His undivided attention and met their need. He gave to the glory of the Father. This is the heart of Isaiah 58, In His Service. We are not called to judge someone worthy or determine if they are taking advantage…if God brings them to Isaiah 58, In His Service, then we give and serve and what they do with what is given is between them and God.

Deni A Fholer, LMSW, CCFP - Founder/Executive Director of Isaiah 58 In His Service, Inc


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